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Ask A Therapist Sara Werner, MA, LP, LPC, RPT-S, SEP Ask A Therapist Sara Werner, MA, LP, LPC, RPT-S, SEP

Ask a Therapist: What do I do When I am Triggered?

Have you ever over-reacted so strongly and later found yourself thinking 

“Why did I do that? What was I thinking? Why did I respond that way? What is wrong with me?” 

What if I told you that nothing was wrong with you and in fact, everything was right? Meaning: your survival system is working the way it was set up to work, but sometimes it receives an incorrect message and sends out survival impulses and energy when it is not needed.

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Education Micah Godsey Education Micah Godsey

12 Signs of a Healthy Relationship

Healthy does not always mean being happy! Sometimes in healthy relationships there are extremely uncomfortable situations. But those uncomfortable situations contribute to the overall health of the relationships and ultimately make it happier and more successful in the long run. Read more for the 12 signs of a healthy relationship!

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Faith, Encouragement Avail Academy 7th Graders Faith, Encouragement Avail Academy 7th Graders

You are here for a purpose

I am so sorry, you don’t deserve to be broken. I understand you may feel hopeless, and that's ok. You may be thinking, this is it. This is all there is. How will I recover? How can I move on? How can I get better? What now? I want you to remember there always has been, and always will be a plan for you. God created you for a reason, a purpose. The Sovereign Lord, and Almighty God of the universe has a plan for you. He knit you together in your mother’s womb, and he knows you by name. Why would God make the sacrifice to save you if he didn’t have a plan for you? 

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Faith, Encouragement Avail Academy 7th Graders Faith, Encouragement Avail Academy 7th Graders

You Belong

The culture starts putting their hope in earthly things and finds themselves drifting away from the God who chose us. Too often the world's ways influence us and make us believe certain things about ourselves. Such as…

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Faith Avail Academy 7th Graders Faith Avail Academy 7th Graders

God’s Love Follows You

Encouraging and truthful phrases can help someone in many ways. It can help someone mentally and emotionally feel better. The phrase that I’m focusing on is, “Even the broken are loved.” At this time in my life, hearing that phrase means a lot.

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Faith, Encouragement Avail Academy 7th Graders Faith, Encouragement Avail Academy 7th Graders

Even the Broken Are Loved

The gospels are four books narrating Jesus’ life and how he fulfilled this very prophecy. The gospel of Luke portrays Jesus’ ministry as The Upside Down Kingdom or Upside Down Living. Because the Pharisees themselves believed they were perfect, they had created the lie that God can only love perfect people. Jesus shatters that lie. He turns our worldview completely upside down.

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Faith, Encouragement, Worth Avail Academy 7th Graders Faith, Encouragement, Worth Avail Academy 7th Graders

You Are Talented and Unique

I just want you to know that you are talented and unique. Most of the world will tell you otherwise, so I thought you should know. I hope that that will raise your hopes so that you can see a bright future ahead of you. I hope that it helps to refute the lies that society tells you. I hope it will help you see happiness and joy in your reach.

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Education, Encouragement, Relationships, Faith Darla Farrant Education, Encouragement, Relationships, Faith Darla Farrant

A Thankful Heart

Life is full of circumstances that we cannot control. In any given moment, things could be better and things could be worse. It’s all about how we choose to respond to our current circumstance.

Making the choice to be thankful—to find something (no matter how small) to rejoice about—has the power to shift our heart attitude. This choice is not always easy. I have found myself struggling with this recently. It feels like if I have a thankful attitude, it means I need to be ok with the pain and heartache of the hard stuff. It goes against my human nature.

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Encouragement, Worth Steph Page Encouragement, Worth Steph Page

Choosing Tenderness as We Grow

I think at times we can be hard on ourselves, wondering why we don’t go from a seedling to a mature plant overnight. We try to force growth and then wonder why we can’t sustain the demand when it is simply because our seed didn’t have enough time to sprout and produce the amount needed for the calling placed on it.

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Featured Nicole Cardillo Featured Nicole Cardillo

Growing through the Depths

The word “depth” has a few different explanations of what it means. In one definition it can mean “the distance from the top or surface to the bottom of something.” It can also mean “the quality of being intense.”

My days were busy, my life chaotic, and then… I got pregnant. I realized then that I needed to go to the depths of my pain in order to confront and move beyond  everything that it affected in my life. The journey, still continuing years later; has been the most  intense, emotional, heartbreaking, restorative experience I could have ever allowed myself to go through. Here are the Top 5 things I learned through this ongoing process: 

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Encouragement, Worth Tiffany Jacobsen Encouragement, Worth Tiffany Jacobsen

You Add to the World Around You

We were born into this world with purpose. But often we forget the true importance of what living life really means. Are we filling our lives with purpose and design God had planted in our hearts since he brought us here on earth or are we letting the world consume us? We were born with purpose, HIS purpose. He knew you before He formed you in your mother's womb. 

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Encouragement, Worth Steph Page Encouragement, Worth Steph Page

Be Yourself, You Are Enough

A few years ago I was at a multiple day conference with a couple hundred women. I found myself in a space where I felt extremely uncomfortable in my own skin. Nothing had happened in that space to cause me to feel uncomfortable; the feelings were rising up from inside of me. Familiar lies rose to the surface in my mind and with them tears threatened to spill out from under my eye lids. 

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