You Add to the World Around You

We were born into this world with purpose. But often we forget the true importance of what living life really means. Are we filling our lives with purpose and design God had planted in our hearts since he brought us here on earth or are we letting the world consume us? We were born with purpose, HIS purpose. He knew you before He formed you in your mother's womb. 

My heart breaks for what the world has considered to be purpose: staying so busy you have no time for family, keeping up with the Jones next door to impress the world, and not looking into our own homes and hearts to see what is really precious in life. It's not the items in your home, but it is the hearts and people in it that are the true gift. But at the end of the day what can we take with us? We have all these items, status, and Instagram followers but have we left any impressions of the hearts in your family or community...or is that part empty? Our world today is so caught up in everything that we have truly forgotten the true purpose and simplicity of loving our family and our communities.

I have been going through some health issues and this question about purpose has been pressing on my heart. Recently, a few of my friends have lost friends and family members. I have heard a lot of “I wish I would have..” 

Tomorrow is never promised, what are we going to do with that? 

Would we slow down enough to help another neighbor or person that God aligns in our lives and say maybe tomorrow or will we take action now? If today was the last day to make a difference, what would you do differently? There's a point in our life where we have to put our faith over our fear. Would you hug your friends or kids a little harder, stay off the phone, and make people a priority?

I volunteer and work for a trafficking ministry and they have done so much and I am beyond words thankful. What if they didn’t say my story matters? They did not know I was on the brink of giving up on life because I myself am a survivor and I didn’t think my story or my life was valuable. I was told differently and those lies made me want to  give up. 

I am now thriving, writing, speaking, taking classes that will incorporate into the purpose God has me on because of the simple words and actions of others. What if you were that one person, that one link of hope? I pray today that something sparks inside your heart and you will say “today I will slow down and appreciate the lives of those around me, children, family, strangers, and loved ones.” 

The challenge simply is: how would you live differently if we weren't promised another tomorrow. Would you take that trip, chase that dream, fall in love, take the chance? It starts with each of us really searching our hearts for what we would like to do. Life is truly a gift; we are all blessed to see another day and enjoy the people God has placed in it. I do not want to convict you but instead, have us all check our hearts together. It can be easy to get lost in the world and truly forget the things that truly matter and the things that don’t. I know that I get lost sometimes.  

We are hope givers, we are HIS light in this dark world. What can we do on this day because tomorrow is never promised. So, what difference can you make today, maybe it’s a text, a phone call, a donation to a foundation that helps people, maybe it's just telling someone else they matter and they are loved, it is whatever is placed on your heart. Walk in HIS purpose, it's never too late to start doing what He has called us to do. We take life, the people in it, and even God himself for granted. So what can we do to change that? Let us search our hearts and find His purpose and plan because we may not have a tomorrow but we have right now. 

Tiffany Jacobsen

Tiffany Jacobsen is a single mother who grew up in the small town of Medford Wisconsin. She is a first time author and also public speaker. She has a passion for justice and raising awareness for domestic violence and trafficking as she has personally survived it herself. She is driven to be a voice to a voiceless, to encourage and empower women that have gone through and been through it. She truly believes that with God and people coming alongside those that are hurting can make a difference in the lives of those that are and have been affected. Her goal is to inspire and give hope to those that are hurting. She has a strong faith in God that she truly lives by, her desire is to be God’s heart, hands and feet in the community and be a voice of hope. She enjoys outdoors and spending time with her son. She uses what she has overcome to encourage others that they can overcome too. She loves to be a light in a dark world. She has a heart to serve. She believes that no matter what you go through, with God on side you can overcome and is truly passionate about making others see the fighter in themselves. God will always get the glory for the story. Willing to go to the frontlines to fight for justice. Truly believes if each person steps out in boldness in their faith, we can be world changers. Be HIS 💕 heart.

Guide to a Hot Girl Summer


You Are Not Alone