Little Life Confirmations During Uncertainty

In the midst of uncertainty, we can feel like there is no hope and we may want to give up. In those moments, when our faith and hope are depleted, it may look like the path ahead is impossible. When we find ourselves here, we start talking about the things we once had hope for but lack the encouragement to keep going. Even talking about our hopes can be defeating.

I was guilty of this line of thinking this morning as I was sitting in the office with my boss/friend. Just listening to myself talk was exhausting. Sometimes we need to put ourselves in check. The more we talked about solutions to my goals, the more hopeful things started looking. We tend to forget about how far we have come and get overwhelmed when we focus too much on where we are heading. We need to remember the Importance of living just for today, when we don’t, life can become exhausting. 

We also need to remember where we began. I believe when we remember where we started and look at how far we have come it truly gives us glimpses of hope to keep moving forward. As we were discussing goals, we looked at many years of knowing each other and the changes and growth that have been made through these last few years. As you look back on how far you have come and where you need to still go, you see glimpses of the little life confirmations that God gives us that we are moving in the right direction.

Nothing great ever comes out of easy experiences, for without the struggles we will never learn to overcome the challenges that come against us, nor will we be able to appreciate the little life confirmations we are given. We wouldn’t need faith or hope because it would be easy, and we would not need to seek God for his guidance or wisdom. Sometimes the simple things such as connections with people or similar acquaintances you meet years down the road, these things aren’t coincidences but instead, little God confirmations.

 Little things here and there that show you that you are on the right path are little God confirmations. Sometimes it can be something as simple as what we read in devotional or bible that coincides with where he is leading us that just happens to pop up when we feel like giving up on all plans of moving forward. Coincidence? I think not. Confirmation? Absolutely.  Like my friend Stephanie says;

“ There is no quitting here, if I can’t quit neither can you.” 

The simple words of encouragement in themselves are confirmation, especially in a hopeless moment. 

So, when it’s all said and done and we catch ourselves being depleted with negative self-talk and doubt or have that hopeless feeling of wanting to quit, we need to redirect our thoughts back to a solution to obtain our goals. Start speaking life back into them and start by taking simple steps to accomplish them. 

Ask yourself, is this truly the direction I want to go? Then seek guidance and wisdom through prayer next watch for those little life confirmations. Look back at where you came from to where you are now and write those confirmations in a journal to remind you of the days you feel like giving up. They can be the glimpse of hope to keep you moving forward in the direction of your dreams, no matter how impossible it may look, there are steps you can take to keep moving forward. They don’t always come fast, so all you need to do is act in the little steps and watch God work on the big ones as you keep moving forward in faith. Keep your eyes up on him and watch for those little confirmations that he is with you and in it every step of the way.   

Tiffany Jacobsen

Tiffany Jacobsen is a single mother who grew up in the small town of Medford Wisconsin. She is a first time author and also public speaker. She has a passion for justice and raising awareness for domestic violence and trafficking as she has personally survived it herself. She is driven to be a voice to a voiceless, to encourage and empower women that have gone through and been through it. She truly believes that with God and people coming alongside those that are hurting can make a difference in the lives of those that are and have been affected. Her goal is to inspire and give hope to those that are hurting. She has a strong faith in God that she truly lives by, her desire is to be God’s heart, hands and feet in the community and be a voice of hope. She enjoys outdoors and spending time with her son. She uses what she has overcome to encourage others that they can overcome too. She loves to be a light in a dark world. She has a heart to serve. She believes that no matter what you go through, with God on side you can overcome and is truly passionate about making others see the fighter in themselves. God will always get the glory for the story. Willing to go to the frontlines to fight for justice. Truly believes if each person steps out in boldness in their faith, we can be world changers. Be HIS 💕 heart.

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