Meet the Writers

  • Alayna Hess

    What is something that you have learned recently?

    Living in the present and taking things one step at a time helps me accept change and brings much more joy into my life.

    What is your biggest fear?

    That my fear of failure will hold me back from fulfilling my dreams and calling

    What truth do you want to scream from the rooftops?

    Each of us is more than one event in our past and one aspect of our character—we are culminations of many moments and seasons and traits. We are always capable of change, but we are also always deserving of love and forgiveness.

  • Bailey Loge

    Three things about me:

    1. I love to hike and see the beautiful world.

    2. One of my favorite things to do is to get dressed up with my friends and take pictures together.

    3. I am currently training for a power-lifting competition.

  • Elisa Johnston

    What is something that you have learned recently?

    How deeply God can meet us in suffering.

    What is your biggest fear?

    Probably that everything I do will be meaningless or reach no one.

    What truth do you want to scream from the rooftops?

    You matter as much as the people you help! And if you believe you can make a difference, you will!

    Where can readers find you?

    Instagram @averageadvocate

  • Lexi Kern

    What is something that you have learned recently?

    God sees me as beautiful even when I don't.

    What is your biggest fear?

    Spiders. Definitely spiders.

    What truth do you want to scream from the rooftops?

    You are beautiful no matter how society sees you. It doesn't matter your size, shape, current situation, past situation, mistakes, ect. You are beautiful and worth it.

  • Micah Godsey

    What is something that you have learned recently?

    Support and encouragement is a better motivator than fear and shame

    What is your biggest fear?

    Spending my life taking naps only get to the end and realize I actually did nothing that mattered

    What truth do you want to scream from the rooftops?

    You belong here.

  • Stephanie Page

    What is something that you have learned recently?

    I am learning the importance of prioritizing rest.

    What is your biggest fear?

    To not be a part of creating change and making a difference.

    What truth do you want to scream from the rooftops?

    The way we interact with and value others matters, so incredibly much.

  • Avail Academy 7th Grade Student Writers

    After studying media and the negative voices that so often speak to us so loudly, the Avail Academy 7th Graders created encouraging phrases, and wrote blog posts with the hope of bringing encouragement to those around them.

    Who are the writers? (click on their name to read their work)

    Aiden Westerlund, Trinity McNamee, Sadie H., Tasia Krueger,, Andon Vande Glind,, Nathan Nelson,, Solveig Farley,, Lucy C..

    What is Avail Academy?

    Avail Academy is a Christian School in Blaine, MN. Everyday we avail our talents and best efforts to Christ’s cause of raising students to recognize their unique gifting and God's purpose for them.