The namesake of the Love, Sophia Project is our friend, Sophia.
Sophia was a fierce advocate for women. She was someone who pushed for us all to do better to serve each other. This community bears her name because we want her legacy of encouragement and support to live on.
Sophia would want you to know how much you matter, and how much your choice to value yourself and others makes a difference in the world around you.
One of the ways Sophia left her mark on this world was by advocating for those who were victim/survivors of abuse, exploitation and human trafficking. That is why 100% of the profit from the Love, Sophia store goes to support survivors of abuse, exploitation and human trafficking.
To learn more about Sophia, we have included a letter from her mom.
How do you put into words the essence of a person’s life, their soul? I feel words fall so short.
Sophia Elizabeth Farrant was beautiful inside and out. She has always been emotional, passionate, witty, colorful, a little on the loud side and super fun to be around. Never a dull moment. She was joyful and full of life. She would push the boundaries and always challenge us as to “why” something was the way it was. Sophia asked Jesus to be her Savior when she was a little girl and was baptized when she was 13, expressing her love and commitment to Jesus. She knew she was God’s child.
As she got into her teen years, Sophia became more aware of the things of this world and it drew her in. I believe Sophia thought the world would accept her unique individualism, her colorful style (inside and out) more than the Christian world would. She started acting more like what she saw than who she really was. It showed in what she wore, how she spoke. She started drinking, vaping, smoking marijuana. The “social” culture gave her soapboxes to rant about and she filled her mind with man’s opinions and things that weren’t edifying. But she also became more angsty, anxious and depressed. She became more insecure in who she really was.
Sophia was often so conflicted in her spirit. I remember talking with her one day that the “guilt” she felt was proof that the Holy Spirit was truly in her heart doing His work of convicting us when we wander. The struggle she felt was between believing the truth of God or believing the lies of Satan, this world and our own sinful nature. The battle was in her heart. Who was she going to give control of her soul?
In the end, on September 26, 2020, Sophia chose God! She acknowledged the struggle and mess she felt and knew she needed Jesus. When she tried to control her own life, she failed and was miserable. She confessed this to God and asked His forgiveness. And God, who is always personal, present, forgiving and loving, gave her a new hope that day.
Sophia knew she had demons in her pocket that needed to be dealt with. She knew she would need help. We thought we would have time to work on these things . . . but we didn’t. Four days later, in her human weakness, struggling to fall asleep, Sophia took some pills she had gotten free from some guy. They were pain pills that I assume she thought would help her sleep. But instead, they killed her. (Oh, how damaging the lies of Satan are!)
No - we did not get the opportunity to see God’s transforming power in Sophia’s life here on earth. But we know she is completely transformed, fully free and whole with Jesus in heaven.
James 5:19-20 says, “Brothers and sisters, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring that person back, remember this: whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins.”
This promises that the decision Sophia made on September 26 trumps the decision she made on September 30. She was saved from eternal death and that decision covers over a multitude of mistakes.
This is God’s promise . . . for me.
Sophia was a deep soul, often contemplating the deeper, more complex things of life. She had a heart for people. Her deep concern for those who are hurting, vulnerable or marginalized gave her a passion to want to “DO” something to help. She had a way of loving people just the way they are. Sophia had the gift of empathy and could feel for others and enter into their “space”. She understood the struggles. She was passionate and emotional and REAL. This is the legacy Sophia has given me.
Life will never be the same. I will always miss my beautiful, fierce friend.
Sophia’s Mom
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