You Belong

In our culture today, there are many voices to listen to. Some of those voices are truthful, but others are not. If people are only hearing lies, their identity and truth isn’t found in God, but rather in flawed morals and beliefs. They are blinded by the lies surrounding them and can’t see the truth. The culture starts putting their hope in earthly things and finds themselves drifting away from the God who chose us. Too often the world's ways influence us and make us believe certain things about ourselves. Such as…

“You don’t belong” 

A common lie that fills our mind

A lie that leaves us feeling behind



By something that shouldn’t

A lie where we feel bind

By something that we feel inclined

To label ourselves as

A lie that if we aren’t careful

Consumes the voices in our head

Even though it is unsaid

Leaves us feeling dead



By something so small

Or yet as big

As a lie

It can be easy to listen to

You don't belong

You don’t fit in

You aren’t wanted

But what will happen if we let that voice consume us

What if we could find a truth that could define



Of who we are

Of who we could be

If we let go the shackles that made us blind

That lined our mind of memories

Were we didn't belong

What if we could stay aligned

With the truth…

You are chosen by God

Handpicked by Him

For Jesus chose us even before we were born

When we were torn


In sin when we were struggling

He chose you


The world will love you

Because you’re smart

Because of your heart

Because of your beauty

But even they will fall through

Even with you

But when you have your identity in God

Despite all of your flaws

You are loved and chosen just the way you are

It doesn’t matter if you are too far

You can be confident in who you are

You start to look, think, and act differently

A change that reflects deep

That seeps

Into your heart

Knowing that you have been chosen


You become confident and assured

Knowing you are not wrong

You belong

When you walk into a room, instead of wanting to be seen, known, and chosen, if you have your identity in Jesus, you have already received all of those things. You can then be a light to others and show them His love and acceptance that He showed you. Do you have assurance and confidence that you are chosen by God? Have you chosen Him?

For God chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight. In love, He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will.” Ephesians 1:4-5

Avail Academy 7th Graders

After studying media and the negative voices that so often speak to us so loudly, the Avail Academy 7th Graders created encouraging phrases, and wrote blog posts with the hope of bringing encouragement to those around them.

Who are the writers? (click on their name to read their work)

Aiden Westerlund, Trinity McNamee, Sadie H., Tasia Krueger, Andon Vande Glind, Nathan Nelson,, Solveig Farley, Lucy C.

What is Avail Academy?

Avail Academy is a Christian School in Blaine, MN. Everyday we avail our talents and best efforts to Christ’s cause of raising students to recognize their unique gifting and God's purpose for them.


You are here for a purpose


God’s Love Follows You