You Are Braver Than You Believe


Good movies make you feel like you can do anything. There is nothing quite like the feeling of leaving a movie that makes you feel like you can kung fu fight, become an international popstar, solve a crime, or be a superhero and save the world. The best movies have a relatable main character who overcomes their fears to do something amazing. We attach ourselves to these characters because they empower us to live our lives bravely and confirm that incredible things can happen to ordinary people. 

✨Main Character energy✨ is not just acting like you are the center of attention, it is being brave and showing up in your life!  A lot of us would like to live like the main characters in our favorite movies but fear holds us back and so we play it safe. The fear response is a biological gift that is there to protect us and it does a fantastic job of keeping us alive. Yet, “alive” for many means waking up, going through the motions, and living day after day the same way. Fear requires safety and security. 

We know from our favorite movies that the most amazing things happen when we are put out of our comfort zone and are courageous. Cinderella, with some help, was brave enough to leave her ordinary life and fought for her freedom and worth. In Spiderman, Peter Parker used an unfortunate event and became a hero. Would you watch a movie that showcased an ordinary person who lived a secure life? No, that would be boring! We are drawn to incredible stories about brave and strong people. 

And you know what? Those brave people have the exact same amount of fear as you and I. They have learned to take on their fears by practicing the skill of courage. Courage is leaning into that which excites and scares us. Each time we practice facing something uncomfortable, scary, or outside of the box we label secure, our courage grows and we become braver. On the other side of playing it safe, there is a more vibrant life that you could possibly imagine!

You are braver than you believe dear friend. Bravery and strength is etched into the very fiber of your being. To find that bravery, all you have to do is take the next brave step and then do it again. Every time you use courage, that muscle gets a little bit stronger and your heart a little braver.


You Belong Here


What to do If the World Feels Scary