Keep Holding On


Some days I’m grateful. This life I get to live feels too good to be true and from the moment I step out of bed I see all the blessings in my life. I sing praises on the top of my lungs and mean every word.

Some days I’m sad. Something did not work out how I wanted it to or my brain decided to be blue. It's like a blanket is put over the light inside me and dims everything I can see. 

Some days I’m insecure. I do not feel beautiful or smart enough. Seeing people on social media makes me wish my skin was smoother, clothes cooler, and body better. I see how “far” along other people are and wish that I could catch up.

Some days I’m happy.  I see glimpses of what I imagine heaven is going to be because life feels so very good. Often when this happens I am surrounded by my family or friends. I feel accepted, loved, and valued. Smiles come naturally and random happy-dancing ensues. 

Some days I am angry. I don’t understand why people can’t get along. It seems like people are always fighting and somehow everyone is losing. I am angry because injustice exists and racism persists. 

BUT most days have a combination of it all: a trail mix of gratefulness, sadness, insecurity, happiness, anger, and more.

I have learned that the feeling of some days does not have to dictate all of them. Our feelings do not paint our lives if we do not want them to. We have a choice what to dwell on and are capable of choosing hope and love. 

Let’s do a thought exercise together! Focus on simply breathing and relaxing. Close your eyes now and do that for a few moments. 

Did you notice anything change in your body? Maybe your shoulders relaxed, jaw dropped, and head fell towards your chest. 

Next, get out something to write on (or take notes on your phone) and let your mind wander. Let's try to focus on the good things right now. Write about something that made you smile today, what you are grateful for, or something that you are looking forward to. Spend some time putting those words together. It doesn't have to look a certain way as long as you know what it means.

Spend a few minutes right now considering goodness in your life. 

Can you feel it? Is there hope or peace rising within you? If not that is okay, it's a practice that can ebb and flow in how well they work. 

Meditations, like what we just did together, is a wonderful tool in pressing pause on our lives in order to reignite hope in our everyday life. We can keep holding on to the chaos of emotions that is life because it's worth it. For all of the ups and down, there is a purpose for your life. Little moments of intention like this one help to remind us of that truth.




What a Wonderful World