Morning Routine


Morning routines are important because they help start our days off strong. I adore slow mornings and find them a vitally important part of my physical/emotional health and endurance as I go about my day. Even when my days start in a rush, I take the time to incorporate these practices into my mornings, in no particular order, to start the day off well.

  1. Spiritual practice. As someone who struggles to wake up in the morning, I often have many alarms set and so as soon as my brain is able (more often than not, it's sometime after the 2nd alarm) I put on devotions to listen to as I wake up. This helps me as I wake up to have intentional prayer and devotional time. Usually, I listen to the devotional again when I am more awake so that I can more intentionally spend time with God. Spending time with God is super important because He is where I find my worth, purpose, and value. 

  2. Personal hygiene. This is a practice that is not only good for my body but it also helps with my confidence. Taking care of my body in this way makes me more ready to face the day because I am capable of taking care of myself very simply so I can handle bigger challenges. Brushing my teeth, washing my face, putting on deodorant, and applying skincare products is a simple way that I can prepare myself for whatever the day brings!

  3. Body movement. Whether this is a simple yoga pose or intentional stretching, I have found it important to move my body in a gentle way as I welcome the day to come. This embodiment practice is helpful in connecting my physical body to my mind.

  4. Hydration and caffeine. I drink water and coffee in the morning. The coffee is for the caffeine boost and the water is to start the day hydrated. Whatever drink you use to start your day with, remember to hydrate! If you also are someone who eats right after they wake up, add that here too! 

  5. Affirmations. After my devotions, I usually put on a Christian album that I listen to for about a month or whenever I get tired of it. The repetition of listening to the same songs over and over again, serves as affirmations and reminds me of truth. Some albums that I have done this with are: Let the Ground Rest by Chris Renzema, circles by Dante Bowe, Forever Amen by Stephanie Gretzinger, and Reckless Love by Cory Asbury. Other people quote the same bible scriptures or memorize other affirmations to speak over themselves in the morning. 

  6. Finish one task. Whether I make my bed, unload the dishwasher, or tidy the living room, starting and finishing one task gives me the motivation to continue being productive. This task should be small and quick, not something that requires a lot of time or energy. 

  7. Boundaries with my phone. I try very hard to not touch my phone until after everything else is done on this list! It helps me to be productive and also gives my brain the time it needs to rise without the influence of social media or work.

Mornings are important because they have power over the rest of our days! You do not have to incorporate these specific practices in your daily routine, but finding what works best for you will help you put one foot in front of the other in the midst of the chaos of day-to-day life!


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