Inspiring Instagram Accounts
For Mental Health
Hi Anxiety (@_hi_anxiety_)
The perfect burst of color and kindness to add to your feed
Self-Care Is For Everyone (@selfcareisforeveryone)
Your go-to for a mental health check-in
Recipes for Self Love (@recipesforselflove)
Colorful illustrations that remind you to take care of YOU
For Creative Inspiration
Brush and Barley (@brushandbarley)
A faith-based artist who shares beautiful content and the realities of living with mental illness
Racheal Jackson (@BanyanBridges)
Colorful murals with quirky content to brighten your day
For Female Empowerment
Her Collective (@wearehercollective)
Inspiring content to remind you that we are all in this together
Your Local Girl Gxng (@yourlocalgirlgxng)
Encouragement mixed with chuckle-inducing sarcasm
For Thought Provoking Content
Morgan Harper Nichols (@morganharpernichols)
Colorful poetry filtered in with reminders of how valuable you are
Cleo Wade (@cleowade)
A page to make you feel like the impossible is possible
Rupi Kaur (@Rupikaur_)
A poet who shares her stories in a way that make you think they could be yours too
The Good Quote (@thegoodquote)
Keeping the daily doses of encouragement short, sweet and to the point