

The best time of the year for me is the first couple weeks of springtime where nature is making its first visible moves towards spring. The trees are blooming, the snow is melting, the grass is turning green, and the first flowers are sneaking their way into the sunlight. 

One of my favorite indications of the end of winter are wild daffodils. These simple yet gorgeous flowers often are yellow or white. The flower is visually made up of two parts: six singular petals burst from the base of a bell-like structure that is frilled on the edges. Their blooming time is less than 5 days and their lifetime is only about 3 weeks. (Kind of off topic, but I adore the way that daffodils announce spring and then die, where they lay dormant until next year. Morbid maybe? But there is something about their quick life cycle that reminds me of the brevity of life. Take from that tangent what you may.) 

Blooming as a woman looks differently than blooming flowers and yet some commonalities can be drawn between the two! There is a lot of work that happens outside of view and both the flower and a person have to know what they are supposed to be doing in order to bloom. 

The blooming of the flower is the visual growth but the work happening underground for the other 49 weeks of the year makes it possible! Not only is the flower itself working to bloom, but its environment has to be perfect: average temperatures, rainfall, and the amount of sunshine the bud receives impacts the timing of the bloom. With people there are also many environmental factors that influence a person blooming into the most confident, capable, and best versions of themselves. Basic needs have to be met (ie. food, water, shelter, space, and sleep) and then also people have to have some novelty in life, a chance to grow and learn and fail and bloom!

Does a flower get confused on its purpose and in fear fails to bloom? Nope. Flowers inherently know when to bloom, how to survive, and when to die. Women who are in bloom know who they are, what their value is, and live unapologetically in that truth. Blooming often happens after a time of growth that is not seen at face value. Learning oneself is one of the most important and satisfying aspects of life. But unlike a flower, people often have to figure out their purpose for themselves. Redefining your life on your own terms as you mature is part of growing up and can be both challenging and super exciting. From religion, to relationships, to politics, and to values; there's a lot to consider. However, knowing everything is definitely not necessary to bloom! You just have to be exactly who you are at this moment in time and know your value and worth as a human being. 

A flower in bloom is distinctive by its vibrant colors, delicate petals, and often lovely scent. A woman in bloom is distinctive by her confidence, joy, and unwavering belief in her value and love. Do you think you are dormant, growing, or in full bloom?


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